Brothers and Sisters -
I want to start by welcoming you to Ketchikan and the 2014 AKPFFA convention. We are very fortunate to be able to gather in such a wonderful place and have such willing hosts. Please be sure and thank President Tracy Mettler, Jeff Jones and all the Ketchikan members for their wonderful hospitality. They have put a lot of work into making this convention a success.
Our organization was started 10 years ago with the goal of advancing causes important to fire fighters. We have seen growth as an organization and have had some successes. Even with that we can all recognize there is much still to be done. As we look out across the state, we see locals with no collective bargaining rights, we see members without pensions, we see attacks on the collective bargaining process, we see revenue shortfalls on the horizon, we see cities and corporations disregarding collective bargaining agreements, and we see skyrocketing health care costs for our members. These represent just some of the problems we must face head on.
This year are we are going to focus on forcing the change we desire. We have resolutions in front of us to debate and perfect. These resolutions will lay the ground work for our efforts over the next 12 months. Forcing the change we desire takes time and effort and we must have the involvement of all. As union leaders in the IAFF it is incumbent on us to explain the importance of the work we are doing to our members. They need to understand why it is we do what we do. If we unify our effort across the state, motivate our members and commit the hard work required we can achieve our stated goals.
Again let me welcome you to the 2104 convention of the Alaska Professional Fire Fighters Association. I look forward to participating in a productive conventions that moves us closer to advancing causes important to Fire Fighters.
Tom Wescott